Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Washington APN conference

Hi everybody - well it is late but it has been a great first day here at the Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing Forum here in Washington DC. It has been almost 100 degrees out, what a change from Victoria, tonight there was a thunderstorm which settled things down a bit, but hey I have started my tan. I did my talk today on neonatal withdrawal assessment as part of the larger preconference day on NAS - I learned lots, happy to share when I get home. Went out tonight for a crab feast with some of the team. I have to tell you today I met Susan Blackburn, Carol Kenner, Carolyn Lund and Madge Buus-Frank! Look up those names and you will see why I was excited..then of course after dinner we went to the hotel bar to watch the Canucks score their first win over Boston - good thing I was not the only Canadian here! Allison - I met your supervisor tonight! My advice to you as budding advanced practice nurses - I cannot say enough about the power of networking. Well, time to get to sleep, a full day tomorow. Take care everyone. Lenora

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