Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome back!

Not that any of you have gone too far, but it is September! I hope you all had a great summer, short as it was here in Victoria :-(... It is going to be a great year with many of you launching into your research. I am going to be consumed this fall with the CAPWHN conference here in Victoria (Canadian Association of Perinatal and Women's Health Nurses), and with many other things of course, but all good. I would like to welcome a new MN student to our neonatal community of practice - welcome to Nadine - feel free to come on board and introduce yourself, it would be great also if you are interested for everyone else to check in with where you are at, what your neonatal interests are at the moment. Remember, this is your blog (hmm, Colleen I think this was your idea?)..

I am looking forward to traveling to Toronto in February for the Canadian Association of Neonatal Nurses conference (actually looking forward to the conference, not to traveling to Toronto in February..), perhaps some of you will make it there too, hard to do when you are a student, I certainly understand. For those of you on the Westcoast, at the CAPWHN conference we do have some neonatal talks, including Deb Fraser Askin talking about care of the late preterm infant and writing for publication, and Carolyn Lund on skin care.

Looking forward to a great year with you all!! Let's keep in touch..Lenora